CHRONIC (12+ months after injury)

CHRONIC (12+ months after injury)

Module 11: Finding meaning in life after TBI

It has now been more than a year after your TBI and life has changed a lot. 

As you adapt to living with a TBI, you may find that you no longer need the same amount or intensity of rehab as you did in the earlier stages after injury. It’s around this time that most people will shift their focus from rehabilitation to pursuing activities that promote meaning in life…

Module 12: Social participation and connection
‘Being part of things’ means to be actively integrated and connected with other people and the community. This was introduced in Module 11: Finding meaning in life after TBI. As you go through rehab, and especially as you prepare to return home, your team will strongly encourage you to be involved in activities that promote social and community participation. .

Module 13: Finding the new normal

Many people lead fulfilling lives after brain injury. 

There will be good days and there will be harder days. It will take many years to learn to live with TBI, and to find a balance between the old and new parts of your life. There may always be some grief and longing to be fully healthy and independent (75). But with time, TBI can become a more natural part of your life….