About myTBI

About myTBI

The myTBI online platform was created by researchers from Brightwater Research Centre and the University of Western Australia. The study is funded by a Neurotrauma Research Programa Grant – Insurance Commission of Western Australia Research Funding Scheme Year 2: 2022-2023.

The myTBI platform consists of psychoeducation modules to support people with a TBI during their recovery journey, from initial diagnosis through to years post-injury. Psychoeducation is a therapeutic approach which aims to provide systematic and structured information on an illness and its treatment and prognosis to support patients and family members to understand and cope with recovery.

The myTBI modules focus on the psychosocial aspects of recovery from a TBI. Psychosocial functioning is a broad multidimensional construct which encompasses the cognitive, emotional, behavioural, interpersonal and psychological aspects of a person’s life. This includes how well a person functions in their occupation, family and social relationships, as well as their mental health, sense of self and quality of life.

The myTBI modules were developed based on interviews and surveys with people with TBI, their family members and caregivers, and rehabilitation staff. A multidisciplinary expert panel then participated in a consensus process to select the final modules which appear on this website.